January 19, 2017


This post isn't Atheist related, but I feel it needs to be said.

Today is Inauguration day. I will not be watching the TV or any news sources. I have seen the Inaugurations of the last five Presidents; even the ones I didn't care for. I consider myself a patriot and a political junkie. Whenever I can, I like to watch the Presidents give their State Of The Union addresses. (even George W. Bush) His policies didn't sit right with me, but he was our president. Today is different. The people who voted for #FuckfaceVonClownstick, this is on you. I hold each and everyone of you responsible for his actions. #NotMyPresident

May 23, 2014

FFRF Ron Reagan Ad

Did anyone else see this ad last night? It aired on Comedy Central during The Daily Show and The Cobert Report. I didn't know that the commercial was going to be on, so when my wife and I seen it we were very surprised and excited. There are far too many religious ads on TV. It's time we see more commercials about Atheism.

April 5, 2014

New Saudi law defines atheism as terrorism against the state (via http://freethoughtnation.com)

While many nonbelievers are constantly stumping for Islam, HERE is what devout Muslims feel about them in return. You might want to rethink enabling this mentality to spread. We won’t say we told you so, but… Saudi Arabia: New Law Sees Atheism As Terrorism…

February 18, 2014

Colorado woman: Jesus Christ put my newborn baby on railroad tracks (via Raw Story )

A Colorado woman told police that Jesus Christ pulled her two-week-old baby from her arms and laid the child on train tracks, KKTV-TV reported on Tuesday. 31-year-old Jennifer Sloan was accused of attempted first-degree murder following the incident…

The Tea Party is the American Taliban

This video is from 2011.  Since then the Tea Party has tried to push hundreds of new laws through state legislatures and even at the federal level.  Using their bible as a guide, they are writing laws that discriminate against women, gays, and any other religion that isn't Christianity.  They are even trying to deny science by having creationism taught in our schools. (And some of these crazy laws have passed.)

The mid term elections are held this year in November, and these religious zealots need to be voted out so that our government can get back to work on actual problems.