I wrote this piece a few years ago. I'll explain why I'm posting it here again at the bottom.
Good Chrisians
The other day I saw a church van with a few bumper stickers on the back. I won't say here to which church it belonged. Anyway, the first sticker I noticed was an anti-Obama sticker. The sticker read "Obama can keep the change. We'll keep our money, guns, and freedom." Now even though I voted for Obama I had to laugh because I can appreciate good humor. But then I started thinking, these are supposed to be good Christian people and what are their top priorities? First is money, which is supposed to be the root of all evil. Second is guns, which are weapons used for violence and murder. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against money or guns, especially money. But are these really the top priorities of good Christian people? The last item listed was freedom. Well there is certainly nothing wrong with freedom. I think we can all agree that we should have freedom to make choices and live our lives as we please. Right? Then I seen the other stickers which were an anti-ProChoice sticker and an anti-Gay sticker. I guess the people of this church only care about freedom for themselves and not other people. Maybe these "Good Christians" should review their priorities.
Since the shootings in Newtown, CT this week, I have changed my position about guns. What needs to be done? I don’t know, but the time has come for something to be done.